American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Public Notice for Applying for the ESSER III Federal Grant Funding


Gorman Independent School District



Gorman ISD is making public notice that we will be applying for a grant from the Texas Education Agency based on funds they received from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III). The total amount of funding that Gorman ISD is eligible for is $469,502. The Texas Education Agency will release 2/3 of these funds $313,001.33 after we complete the required application and submit a "Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan". The additional 1/3 of the funds are scheduled for release at a later date once TEA receives approval from the federal granting agency. Our plan must include stakeholder input on how we expect to safely return students to school and provide instructional continuity, and a plan on how these funds should be utilized. Gorman ISD is seeking your input, via a survey from stakeholders across the district to include GISD staff, parents, community, and students as we develop our plan. Your feedback and input is critical and will help inform us on what we need in our plan.



ESSER III Public Comment Survey



General Specifics on the grant are as follows:

  • Time Frame for the grant: Pre-award costs can be recoded from March 13, 2020 and allowed to spend funds until September 30, 2023. With the Tidings Act if districts needed to carryover unused funds they would be allowed to continue spending to September 30, 2024.
  • Districts would be required to follow all federal, state, and local regulations and requirements for federal grant administration and fiscal spending of funds.
  • District entitlement for the grant for the 3-year period: $469,502


For more information or comments please contact the district ESSER III contact:

District Contact Name: Mike Winter, Superintendent

Phone Number: (254)734-3171

Email: [email protected]

 Public Notice American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 ESSER III