Policy on Known Sex Offenders
To the extent that District officials have actual knowledge that a parent, legal guardian, or other person seeking to be present on school property or at a school sponsored
activity is a registered sex offender based on an offense against a child (a person under the age of 17), the following procedures shall apply:
- Only known registered sex offenders, based on an offense against a child, who are also parents or legal guardians of a child or children enrolled in District schools will be permitted on school property or to be in attendance at school-sponsored activities. No other persons known to be registered sex offenders, based on an offense against a child, will be permitted to be present on school property or at any school-sponsored activity.
- A parent or legal guardian to whom these procedures apply must comply with all requirements. Failure to do so generally will result in that person's losing the privilege of visiting any District campuses or attending any school-sponsored activities, regardless of location.
- call the campus principal and schedule a meeting before coming to the school;
- report immediately to the office upon arriving at school and obtain a visitor's badge, as required of all visitors to the school;
- be escorted by a school employee the entire time he or she is on campus;
- have no access to any commons area of the building, meaning cafeterias, auditoriums, breezeways, open areas for gathering on any campus, and so on;
- have no access to any classroom where students other than his or her child are present; and
- be escorted back to his or her vehicle by a school employee at the conclusion of the visit.
When dropping off or picking up a child to or from school the person will:
- call the campus principal and schedule the time of drop off or pick up;
- pick up or drop off the child in the presence of the campus administrator or designee; and
- be escorted back to his or her vehicle by a school employee after the child has been picked up or dropped off.
- call the campus principal and state his or her intent to attend the event, no later than 24 hours before the start of the event;
- sign in at a place designated by the campus principal upon arrival at the event;
- sign out at a place designated by the campus principal before departing the event; and
- be escorted to his or her vehicle by a school employee at the time of the departure from the event.
As an additional safety precaution, the District may choose to post a picture of the person at the gate or entrance area of the school sponsored
or extra-curricular event.
When picking up or dropping off a student at an extra-curricular activity, on or off school property, the person will:
- contact the campus administrator and make arrangements for picking up or dropping off the student; and
- remain in the vehicle while waiting on the student.
A parent or legal guardian who is subject to these procedures based on his or her identification as a registered sex offender because of an offense against a child is prohibited from transporting any student or child (other than his or her own child) to or from any District campus or school-sponsored activity without express written permission from the parent or guardian of the student. Any person subject to these procedures is also prohibited from working as a volunteer for the District, including but not limited to volunteering for school related activities such a booster clubs and class fund raisers.